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The Courage to Return: Lessons from the Life of Musa AS

The Courage to Return: Lessons from the Life of Musa AS

September 30, 2024

Let me share a powerful story from the life of Musa (AS). This comes from one of the final episodes of his journey, towards the end of his mission. But before that, let’s do a quick recap of his earlier stories. 

Musa (AS) was born during a turbulent time in Egypt when Firaoun saw a dream. He saw that a child from the Israelites would rise and overthrow his kingdom. In response, Firaoun ordered the killing of all newborn Israelite boys. However, Allah had a different plan for Musa. His mother, to protect him, placed him in a basket and set him afloat on the Nile. Miraculously, he ended up being raised in the palace of the very tyrant who sought to kill him.

Years later, after accidentally killing an Egyptian, Musa fled Egypt and found refuge in Madyan, where he got married and lived peacefully for ten years. Then, Allah called him to the mountain for a divine conversation, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his life. In that sacred dialogue, Musa was given a mission that would change his life forever. 

Facing Fears: The Command to Return

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. As Musa was fleeing from Egypt years earlier, he made a heartfelt du’aa, asking Allah to rescue him from the oppressive people. Allah granted his prayer, allowing him to live peacefully in Madyan for a decade. But during the divine conversation on the mountain, Allah instructs him to go back to the very people he fled from—the wrongdoers in Egypt. 

This command must have been incredibly difficult for Musa. Imagine the fear and anxiety of returning to face a tyrant who once sought to kill him. But this is where we learn an essential lesson: sometimes, after granting us safety and peace, Allah asks us to face our fears, to confront the very challenges we once ran away from. 

In life, we often find ourselves in situations where we feel trapped, oppressed or powerless. Like Musa, we may pray for an escape, asking Allah to rescue us from our difficulties. But there comes a time when we might have to confront those challenges again—not out of punishment, but as part of Allah’s greater plan. Sometimes, we need to become stronger and return, not just for our own sake but to challenge the wrongdoers and protect others from their oppression.

Strength in Faith: The Example of Prophets

Musa’s story is a reminder that when Allah is on our side, we don’t need to fear even the mightiest of enemies. The Firaoun was one of the most powerful rulers of his time, with armies, wealth and influence that made him nearly invincible in the eyes of the world. Yet, Allah tells Musa that it’s not he who should fear, but the Firaoun and his people who should be afraid. 

This story also parallels the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Just as Musa was told to return to the people who wronged him, the Prophet ﷺ was instructed to return to Makkah, the place where he faced immense persecution. Both prophets show us that true courage is not just in fleeing from danger but in returning to it with strength and faith. 

As we reflect on these lessons, remember that whatever challenges you’re facing, with Allah’s help, you have the strength to overcome them. You might feel powerless now, but like Musa, your story doesn’t end with the escape. It continues with your return, stronger and more resilient, ready to face whatever lies ahead. 

The Weight of Words: A Lesson in Dignity

When Allah asked Musa (AS) to confront Firaoun, he was overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. He knew they would call him a liar, which would lead to anxiety, a tightening chest and the inability to speak. Prophet Musa even asked Allah to send his brother Haroon with him, citing that Haroon was a better speaker and more capable of handling the task. But Allah chose Musa because He knew that despite these fears, Musa had a mission to fulfill. 

What’s striking is how these fears reflect a broader human experience. The fear of humiliation, of being publicly insulted or degraded, is often more terrifying than physical threats. In the story of Musa, his fear was not being killed, but being called a liar—being humiliated in front of others. This fear of social ridicule is something we all can relate to. It’s so powerful that it can paralyze us, making us unable to stand up against wrongdoing or speak the truth when it’s needed the most. 

Even the strongest believers, like prophets, experience these fears. But their stories teach us the importance of acknowledging these emotions and not letting them prevent us from fulfilling our responsibilities.

This lesson is particularly relevant today, especially in a world where public shaming and online trolling can have devastating effects on individuals. As Muslims, we are reminded to uphold the dignity of others, to avoid humiliating or insulting anyone, and to remember the serious impact our words can have. Just as Musa feared the power of words, we too must be mindful of the power our words hold over others.

The Need for Support: Haroon’s Role in Musa’s Mission

Sometimes, when you’re facing a tough situation, even if you have faith in Allah, you might still need someone by your side. Just like how Musa (AS) needed Haroon (AS). It’s interesting because Musa specifically asked for Haroon to join him since he was a better speaker. But when they finally faced Firaoun, Haroon didn’t say anything. So, why was he there? 

It’s simple: sometimes you just need someone with you. It’s not about what they say or do, but their presence can give you strength. Like a coach in the corner during a boxing match, their job is to keep your mind in the game, even if they don’t say much. Sometimes, just knowing you’re not alone is enough to push through. 

Everyone needs a Haroon in their life. It could be a friend, spouse, parent or anyone who has your back. When Musa felt he wasn’t strong enough, Allah provided Haroon as a support. This shows how Allah provides us with people in our lives who help us achieve what we didn’t think we could. 

Now, some might argue that if you truly fear Allah, you shouldn’t be afraid of anything else, or that if you have Allah, you don’t need anyone else. But that’s not what the Quran teaches. Even the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had companions for support, and Musa needed Haroon. So, it’s okay to rely on others while trusting in Allah. 

In the end, Allah sent both Musa and Haroon with His miracles. But here’s something profound: while we often think of miracles as visual—like the parting of the sea or the staff turning into a snake—Allah emphasized listening. The real miracle was in the words that were spoken. Allah was listening and He wants us to listen too because there’s something miraculous in the words themselves.

Conclusion: The Miracle of Words

So, as we dive deeper into the story, we’ll discover that the true miracle lies not just in what we see, but in what we hear. The conversation between Musa, Haroon and Firaoun is filled with powerful lessons, and Allah is telling us to pay close attention to what’s being said. That’s where the real miracle is. 

As we navigate our own challenges and fears, let’s remember the strength found in words, the power of support from those we trust and the courage it takes to confront our greatest fears with the faith that Allah is always with us. 

To hear the full story and discover the incredible lessons from the conversation between Musa, Haroon, and Firaoun, check out Story Night Miracles for free on Bayyinah TV, sign up now by clicking the link below.

Written by Bayyinah
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