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February 27, 2025
Surah Al-Muddaththir, Ayah 38, offers a profound reminder of our reality:
كُلُّ نَفْسٍۭ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ رَهِينَةٌ
“Every soul is bound by what it has earned as a ransom.”
This Ayah uses the powerful word رَهِينَةٌ (rahina), which means a pledge, collateral or hostage. In classical Arabic, it describes something left as security for a loan—like leaving your passport or credit card when renting a car or booking a hotel. The collateral is returned only when the terms are fulfilled.
In this Ayah, Allah tells us that we ourselves are the collateral. Our souls are held hostage by the deeds we perform in this life. Just as a passport can only be reclaimed when a debt is settled, we can only earn our freedom by meeting the terms: our deeds.
What Does This Mean for Us?
This Ayah highlights two profound truths:
1. We Are All in a Prison of Our Own Making:
Every bad deed adds chains that weigh us down, while every good deed breaks those chains and moves us closer to freedom. Addictions, regrets, societal pressures and the need for validation are all prisons we impose on ourselves. Whether it’s the endless pursuit of material success, approval from others or unhealthy habits, these “chains” hold us hostage.
2. Good Deeds Are the Key to Liberation:
Allah doesn’t expect perfection from us, but He does expect effort. Even a small step toward Allah—a sincere prayer, an act of kindness or making tawbah—can multiply into an enormous reward. Allah, in His infinite mercy, has made it possible for us to earn our freedom and break free from the prisons we’ve created.
This Ayah is a powerful reminder that true freedom lies in surrendering to Allah alone. Everything else enslaves us—fashion, trends, wealth or even our own egos. By becoming a slave to Allah, we free ourselves from all other forms of slavery.
At Bayyinah, we are dedicated to helping you connect directly with the words of Allah beyond translation. Founded by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan, our mission is to create transformative experiences that deepen your understanding and engagement with the Quran.
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